A few people have asked about leaving comments so here goes: -
- Just click on the blue underlined "comments" link.
- A blank "post a comment" box opens so fill it in as you please.
- Below that is a "comment as" box with a drop down menu, if you are not registered elsewhere you can either -
- Keep it really simple name and click the down arrow and click "anonymous" from the drop down list, but remember to put your name somewhere in the actual comment section or you will really be anonymous!!!
- Or you can click Google account from the drop down list and register (its free and only needs doing once) to leave comments, also allows you to set up a profile if you want, follow the blog etc etc - the set up guide is straight forward and you do not get loads of spam e-mails.
- Click post comment and your done.......unless I don't like it!!!!!!
Best bit is if I don't like your comment I can delete it, no one else can.......just me.........so if your commenting, be nice to Simo, stay out of my swim and I drink Fosters or Becks when you see me at the bar.......... :-D
If all members can leave a comment to this I will have an idea if this blogsite is of use to you!!