Conway was cold and relatively still for this weeks winter league encounter which made a pleasant change from the windswept armeggedon we had last time. In a tale of two halfs and two ends it was those on the right hand bank basking in sunlight and taking layers off whilst laughing at those on the left hand bank sat in the shade and shivering.

The top half nearest the car park was hard going with very few carp opening there mouths and even the roach being hard to line up as the recent cold rainwater had upped the levels and dropped any colour out of the lake. 14lb won the section this end, yet down in the bowl in the middle of the bottom bank it was carp city for Steve Brew (pictured right on a previous change there) who hair rigged jpz's to cruise to an easy win with 49lb of carp on the straight lead from Billy Gore who had two lumps on the pole from the bottom left hand corner and around 8lb of silvers for a respectable 26lb. Barry (bin-it-in / only-got-one-rig) Davis did his thing and binned it in next to the point and then sat on his one rig and had a few late carp including a lump foulhooked for 22.2lb and third place.
Conway yet to show its best form but I have to say it appears all fisheries at present are struggling with the weather and rainfall volumes that are affecting any sort of consistency. Could be worse it was me who had 14lb and won the tough section of doom!!

Could be even worse it could have been solid in all our pegs with ice in any normal January. As it was only Steve and Bin-it-Ins pegs were sold (black they were!)
I think this is actually Billy Gore preparing the same peg he came second from today but about 4 years ago in January!!
1st - Steve Brew - 49.0lb
2nd - Billy Gore - 26.0lb
3rd - Barry Davis - 22.2lb